Iliad partners

<span>Iliad partners</span>

Iliad partners

صندوق استثمار جريء

المركز الرئيسي

الإمارات العربية المتحدة

عن Iliad partners

Iliad Partners is a Venture Capital fund based in the UAE that invests in early-stage technology companies in the MENA region. As former entrepreneurs and operators with global and regional experience in business development, investments, and growth strategy execution, we take an active, hands-on approach. We help founders build the disruptive companies of tomorrow in their journey to grow their businesses, expand into new regional markets, and scale across the MENA region and beyond.

القطاع المستهدف


مرحلة التطور المستهدفة

مرحلة أ

التركيز الجغرافي

الشرق الأوسط

الحجم المستهدف

لا ينطبق

سنة التأسيس


متوسط حجم التذكرة (دولار امريكي )

عدد الصناديق