Oasis capital

<span>Oasis capital</span>

Oasis capital

صندوق استثمار جريء

المركز الرئيسي


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عن Oasis capital

Founded in 2008, Oasis Capital is a leading independent investment firm, headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain and backed by a large number of prominent Gulf-based sovereign wealth funds, financial institutions, and families. Oasis acts as a principal in the acquisition of controlling as well as significant minority interests in companies in developed markets. On the back of a consistently strong performance with a focus on mid-market buyouts and growth opportunities, Oasis has established itself as a top tier regional private equity platform and has become a reference point for private equity solutions for Gulf-based family offices, high net worth individuals and institutions. The Oasis investment team has significant experience in direct private equity investing globally and in a variety of sectors. Since its inception, Oasis has invested in transactions totaling in excess of $2bn in combined enterprise value achieving top quartile returns and no losses to date.

القطاع المستهدف


مرحلة التطور المستهدفة

مرحلة أ

التركيز الجغرافي

الشرق الأوسط

الحجم المستهدف

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سنة التأسيس


متوسط حجم التذكرة (دولار امريكي )

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