Open Data



Open data is the data that is produced, received, or dealt with by the government are considered state assets that can improve performance and productivity, facilitate providing public services by supporting effective processes to manage data and make strategic decisions, look ahead, and achieve the highest levels of responsibility and transparency. To guarantee the highest use of these data that take an important part of the state assets we have to reinforce transparency and the original principle of declaring information and achieving equality in dealing with all accession applications and obtaining general information.

Therefore, some sets of data - open data - were revealed and published before applying to reach or get them.


To view, the open data list click here

To request more data click here

To view using open data policy click here

To view the freedom of information page: click here

To view open data use guide application programming interface real time API click here

To view sustainable development goals click here


Cases of Using Open Data

Monsha'at Open Data was used as follows:

Studying the behavior of users after adopting business intelligence system

One of the researchers benefited from the open data provided by Monsha’at, the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority, which included the number of enterprises classified by size, number of employees, and economic activity, by studying users' behavior after adopting business intelligence systems and proposing a model that incorporates individual and societal perspectives as effective factors in business intelligence system user behavior in SMEs.



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Fundamental principles for freedom of information:

Transparency: individuals have the right to know Monshaat’s activities, aligning with transparency, integrity, and accountability.


Necessity and coherence: any restrictions upon any kind of information that is dealt with, produced, or received by Monshaat, have to be justified clearly and honestly.


The declaration is fundamental in general information: each individual has the right to view unprotected general information, and the applicant doesn’t need to have a certain high status or certain consideration for these data to have them. And will not go through legal inquiries for that.


Equality: Dealing with all applications as equal and not discriminating between individuals.


Freedom of information regulations:

Individuals' rights in viewing and having general information:

      The right to view and have any unprotected information for any general authority.

      The right to know the reason behind rejecting any application.

      The right to complain about a rejection decision.



Monshaat obligations:

Monshaat provides an application model to ask for general information for individuals to apply for having or viewing them.

Monshaat checks individuals' IDs before giving them the right to view or have general information according to the accredited regulations by Monshaat and the national cybersecurity authority and related authorities.

Monshaat documents all applications records to reach or have tha data and the decisions made for those applications to be reviewed to handle abuse or not responding.

Monshaat appropriately notifies the individual in case his application has been rejected totally or partially with clarification for rejection reasons and raising complaints right and how to use this right within 15 days.


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19 January 2023
