The Angel Investing Forum, Riyadh 2020

18 - 19
2020 November
Event time: Wednesday 18 November 2020 12:00 AM - Thursday 19 November 2020 11:59 PM
Event location: عن بعد

[ملف: دليل التسجيل في ملتقى الاستثمار الملائكي "عربي" ]
[File: Registration User Manual - ANGEL INVESTING FORUM "EN"]


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's first angel investment forum is the Angel Investing Forum, Riyadh 2020..  The entire region, including the Kingdom, is experiencing a rapid and positive shift in bold investment, coinciding with an advanced regulatory system in the sector and government support in organizations and the financial market.

However, there remains a gap in funding for early-stage startups, and this is where angel investment comes into play.

The forum has been organized to bring ideas on the latest trends in early-stage investment for startups to experts and investors to connect and share local, regional, and international

Join a community of prominent local and global investors and experts in the field of angel investment.

To register, please click here 


November 18th - 19th, 2020


4:00PM - 10:00PM

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