Store Operation Manual

Sale of Chocolate and Cocoa

The stores that retail chocolate and cocoa.

The location

Choose a location close to hospitals and wedding halls due to the high number of happy occasions.

Ensure the electricity meter for the business is independent and that the capacity of the meter matches the business's needs.

Coordinate with the landlord to start the lease term upon the actual opening of the business.

Select a prominent and easily accessible location, and ensure that the exterior signage is clear to attract attention.

Ensure the size of the business matches the layout of the chocolate store.

Consider opening the store in villages far from cities, as it may be your only business among several villages, contributing to an increase in customers.

Provide sufficient space or a dedicated area for loading large orders for delivery to customers.

Avoid choosing a store location in areas crowded with other activities or in hard-to-reach places.

Avoid selecting a store location far from parking spaces to prevent the chocolate from being exposed to heat and melting before reaching the customer's vehicle.

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latest changed date 20 January 2025

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