Store Operation Manual
Dine-in Restaurants
An enterprise where meals are prepared and served either inside a dining area or as a takeaway item.
1 Establishment Stage
Feasibility study and business plan
Feasibility studies are the foundation that determines the success of the project, the risks, and how to reduce them by analyzing the Saudi market and its needs.
Feasibility Study's Main Points
Market Study
Technical Study
Financial Study
Feasibility Study's Key Elements
Select product or service
Know the expected order quantity for the selected products
Calculate expected Costs
Estimate business returns from sales
Economic feasibility of the project
Business methodology
Business Plan
The business plan contains multiple sections that represent a comprehensive vision of the establishment and management of the business and includes a brief and clear summary of the work mechanism, expected requirements, revenues, costs and other basics of starting a business.
Benefits of a Business Plan:
تحديد الأهداف بدقة وتوفير المعلومات اللازمة لدعم عملية اتخاذ القرار
ضبط التكاليف وسهولة التحكم فيها
خطة واضحة ومعتمدة لمشاركة الأفكار والمعلومات مع الأطراف ذات العلاقة بالمشروع
إيضاح الترابط بين مكونات العمل
معرفة التحديات، فرص التطوير المحتملة والمتطلبات لنجاح مشروعك
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