Billions Worth of Launches and Agreements Are Set to Take Place at the "Biban 23" Forum

Tuesday 30 January 2024

The General Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises “Monsha’at” is hosting the "Biban 23" forum in Riyadh the capital city of Saudi. It is anticipated that numerous billion-dollar agreements and deals will be signed, supporting the small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) sector and facilitating the growth and sustainability of entrepreneurial projects.
It is anticipated that these agreements will cover a range of innovative and developing industries, such as technology, tourism, entertainment, and culture. This is in line with the large-scale local and global engagement in the events, as evidenced by the numerous global businesses and projects involved. The goal of these agreements is to support investment and stimulate their growth in startups. Additionally, they seek to attract numerous SMEs to Riyadh, strengthening the largest economies of the region. The forum is expected to witness the launch of several investment funds aimed at supporting investment in SMEs, in line with the announcement of various investment rounds.

By assisting aspirational entrepreneurs in achieving a rise in the formation of new businesses, "Biban 23" fosters an entrepreneurial culture and enhances the growth and competitiveness of entrepreneurial enterprises. It also emphasizes fostering an inventive culture and drawing creative ideas that benefit both the domestic and global economies.  The forum will offer panel discussions and workshops aimed at enhancing growth and sustainability and addressing global and local challenges that concern the business sector.

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latest changed date 30 January 2024

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